Think About it! (Critical Thinking at its Best)
The Creation/Evolution controversy can provide the ideal opportunity for young people to learn and develop the critical thinking skills so necessary in life. Those holding to the doctrine of evolution purport to know, without doubt, the step-age of all transitional events – biological, geological, and cosmological – over the course of millions, hundreds of millions, and billions of years. They base this definitive view on a uniformitarian assumption, proclaiming that “the present is key to the past.” Many such thinkers disparage any notion of significant extra-natural catastrophes happening in earth’s history, and all dogmatic evolutionists deny the historical occurrence of a geo-cataclysmic event (Genesis Flood) that would have completely altered the then existing world.
Those who hold to the recent creation account of things as recorded in the biblical book of Genesis cite the Great Flood as the basis for the geological destruction we find in all parts of the planet. Their fundamental belief is in the unequivocal authority of the Bible as a literal account of the record of history over the course of approximately six thousand years. By thoroughly studying and understanding the chrono-genealogies of the Old Testament and the New Testament books of Matthew and Luke, a time-line is provided yielding a detailed chronology of the history of the world.
When it comes to the dating of earth’s history using these two models it becomes readily apparent that there is no middle ground, making the Creation/Evolution debate an ideal study for students to explore critically.
This then brings us to the geological evidence we find which in turn guides us to conclusions about what actually happened in the past. Both sides in the debate use the same evidence, applying their unique interpretations to the evidence accordingly.
Those of us living in western North America are afforded a significant number of locations which yield such evidence in abundance. One of the greatest of these is the Channeled Scablands area of the states of Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Oregon. A serious student of the phenomena that caused this cataclysmic event will find enough information to determine whether the result can be attributed to a number of catastrophic flood events occurring over unfathomable amounts of time, or whether a post Flood cataclysmic inundation caused the Scablands, depending upon which assumption is applied.
The same method can be used for the Grand Canyon, and indeed, for any large geographic feature one investigates in this part of the world. Evolutionists claim that the great Canyon was formed by relatively small amounts of water over vast amounts of time (millions of years!), while biblical Creationists hold to the view that the evidence actually reveals an event caused by vast amounts of water over a brief period of time -- days, weeks, months. Indeed, when one takes into account the seismicity of the Canyon region, the tremendous uplift of the Kaibab Plateau, and the fact that huge lakes at one time bordered the eastern and northeastern regions of the canyon area, the latter explanation makes the most sense with what we actually observe today.
So –
Think about it!
And let us know what you think (contact).