
This site is designed to be your online resource for creation-related research. By selecting the “Contents” links to the right you will access separate reading rooms, allowing you to find a vast treasure of information pertaining to items of scientific interest from a creation perspective.

The Library is an index of resource links that is updated on a regular basis with new material frequently added.  In keeping with the purpose of the Academy, the Library is meant primarily for the high school-aged student as a research/resource tool.  Those interested in the Creation/Evolution discussion from a recent-age perspective will also appreciate its expansive archive of easily accessible information.

The “Search” box at the top of each room is custom designed to crawl only selected creation-based websites which affords quick and focused access to information you are seeking right from the start of your search.

We encourage you to use and explore this expansive and ever-growing library.


This Library is provided as a service to individuals interested in the Creation/Evolution dialogue.  Information that is linked from this site does not necessarily imply endorsement by Genesis Forum Academy.  When working with the WorldWideWeb discretion is advised, and discernment is encouraged.  As always, when investigating the works of human thought, a healthy skepticism is generally the best and safest approach.