Online Libraries
Custance Library
The writings of Arthur C. Custance, PhD (anthropology/linguistics) are included in this library site. Dr. Custance possessed unusual insight and wisdom, wrote in a very lucid style, and had a deep and abiding love and respect for the Word of God. As he saw it, if a question arose from reading the Scriptures, then the best – and often only – way to solve the conundrum was to study the Scriptures further for a deeper meaning. This was the method he followed, with some amazing results.
Most of the Custance writings are based on themes from Genesis. Although he was a Gap Theorist — a view generally discredited today — it must be remembered that within the Church of the day (1970’s and ‘80’s) the prominent teaching followed that faulty interpretation of Scripture. To his credit, it was actually the writing of Custance that contributed to a renewed focus on the historicity of the Bible chrono-genealogical accounts which clearly provides for a recent history of all things.
Schweigerdt Archive
Prior to his retirement as a public school educator, Bruce Schweigerdt taught history, social science, and education courses at the middle, secondary and university levels. For more than thirty years he has held an abiding interest in the disciplines of history and science, and during the span of those years he authored a number of papers, essays, and monographs dealing with matters pertaining to Genesis.
In 1980 Schweigerdt completed his Master’s Thesis (Psychology),“The Basic Problems of Analytical Psychology: A Trace Study of the Foundations and Principles of Psychoanalysis Manifest in the Theory of Transactional Analysis,” which contains a noteworthy section on biblical Higher Criticism, evolution-based science, and Sigmund Freud. The following year his article “The Gnostic Influence on Psychology: Effects of the Common Heresy,” a seminal work dealing with psychology’s drift towards eastern mysticism, was published in the Journal of Psychology and Theology.
In recent years, one of Schweigerdt’s primary interests has been in the effort to help answer the question, “If the Universe is 6,000 years old, how does it take star light to travel billions of light-years across the galaxies? By using — and giving a full understanding to — Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity (Light/Quantum Energy) it is his contention that the answer to this important question can be answered within a Genesis 1:3-19 context.
Dolphin Internet Library
Lambert Dolphin, PhD., offers an extensive on-line library as well as a web-based catalog addressing a number of topics germane to the Christian faith. As it pertains to matters dealing with Genesis, be sure to scroll down in the “Library” link to the section entitled “Topics in Science and the Bible.”
Dolphin is a retired research physicist at SRI International (formerly Stanford Research Institute) in the areas of physics and electrical engineering. For the past twenty years he has been devoting the bulk of his time to Bible teaching, writing and Christian counseling. There is hardly an area within this realm that is not covered in his extensive online library. We are deeply indebted to Dr. Dolphin for his faithfulness and devotion to furthering our understanding.
Lambert Dolphin’s Library
Lambert Dolphin’s Web Links
“Let Us Pray”
Creation Ministries International (Topics Arranged by Subject Category)
CMI provides this database index of more than 7000 articles housed on their website. Browse by subject category, or access their “Frequently Asked Questions” file.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
The mission of Christian Classics Ethereal Library is to build up the Church by making classic Christian literature widely available and promoting its use for edification and study by interested Christians, seekers and scholars.
True Origin Archive
The True Origin Archive comprises an intellectually honest response to what in fairness can only be described as evolutionism—the doctrine of strict philosophical naturalism as a necessary presupposition in matters of science history (i.e., origins).
Creation Super Library
The Creation Super Library is a multilingual Creation mega-site providing answers, articles, special features and more.
Online Fossil Museum (Collection From the Hanson Research Station)
Anyone can sift through the amazing collection of bones from the Hanson Research Station online. Users can sort bones by type and other factors, view bones in context to the entire quarry, and even examine 3D views of some of the fossils.