Genesis Forum on Tour is an on-the-road ministry to small communities located in the American West, Midwest, and the corresponding Canadian provinces. Held in the traditional forum discussion format, programs and presentations are designed to demonstrate the insufficiency of the notion of Evolution while providing clear answers to issues of design in nature.
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For years, those who hold to Divine Creation (Creationists) and now Intelligent Design advocates as well, have tried unsuccessfully to free the minds of students educated in public schools to the alternative view of Origins from that of Darwinian Evolution, only to find the door nailed, and bolted shut from the inside by the likes of the ACLU, The National Academy of Sciences, The National Center for Science Education, and others. With this, the door to the science classroom was effectively barred shut to the alternative Creation explanation, and the student inside was left to the whims of an orthodox curriculum, a frequently dogmatic teacher, and the scientific establishment to be brain-fed the naturalistic notions of evolutionary “science.”
Now, the new millennium – and advanced technologies – have rendered the old battles to be largely outmoded. With the advent of internet learning courses at colleges, universities, and even some high schools across the country, secondary students now have the opportunity to open the WINDOWS of their classroom and explore alternative viewpoints on their own, much as one opens the windows in their own rooms to let in fresh air.
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In 1905 Dr. Albert Einstein made an insightful breakthrough that would change science and provide a profound paradox to the world of reason. Einstein proposed that the speed of light is the universal constant, and that distance and time are relative to it. In other words, at light’s inherent velocity, distance is infinite (without dimension) and time is without duration! From his insight and mathematical faculties came the e=mc2 formula, and some rudimentary understanding of the Matter/Energy/Motion continuum. The S.T.A.R. Project has this goal: Starlight Travel And (the theories of) Relativity – Einstein postulated the theory of Special Relativity; our mission is to explain the theory as a Recent Creation alternative to an Old-Age model of the universe.
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The goal of “Genesis Forum: The Church, Worldviews, and Revival-Formation” is to help turn individuals from religions seeking after God, to finding and establishing a relationship with God, who seeks after them.
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Genesis Forum began as a Bible study in the book of Genesis, chapters 1-11, an outgrowth of a series of Sunday School classes in a local church fellowship. Gradually, a vision began to emerge for an academy program involving six specific ministries based on the Bible and Genesis as graphically presented on the home page of this web site.
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For leaders of local church groups as well as home school networks and private or public schools, we provide consultation services for course and conference design to meet their particular requirements.
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